
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Port Fiasco - It's a GOP Trick

The quarterback drops back to pass and he fakes handing off to the fullback. While the onrushing tacklers go for the fullback the quarterback sneaks to the outside and hits the left uncovered tight end with the game winning Hail Mary pass to win the championship football game. In a move worthy of David Copperfield the Grand Old Party has come up with the sleight of hand move of the century.

The Republican Party is in power because Karl Rove is calling the plays better than any Democrat. His quarterback George Bush was a deserter. The opposition quarterback John Kerry was a decorated war hero. No problem. Hire a few actors to go on television in a swift boat and say that John Kerry was actually a Viet Cong colonel who tortured John McCain.

The Presidents father, the former President, told his son the President, Look, I lost the Presidency because I said Read my lips, no new taxes. Then I raised the taxes and I lost the Presidency. If you want to win the Presidency and become President, all you have to do is to cut taxes. Who cares if the deficit goes to a trillion dollars, and the trade deficit goes to a trillion dollars, and we bankrupt the country? You will be President, I will sit on the board of directors of the Saudi Royal Family, they will funnel billions of oil dollars into our Swiss bank accounts, and let the next President worry about it while we live on yachts in the French Riviera drinking fine French port wine. The President answered, O.K. Dad.

Here is the Port Trick, otherwise known in Karl Roves playbook as 53 Red. The congressional elections are coming up in November. Every Republican congressman and congresswoman is doing everything possible to distance him/herself from the Presidents glaring lies, mismanagement of the war in Iraq, the imminent bankruptcy of the country and the Superdome fiasco. The President, the Senate and the House are all Republican and they are all going down the drain like American jobs fleeing to China, whose new car the Geeli is about to hit the U.S. market for $9,000 and get 225 miles per gallon. This all makes Ross Perot sound like the Prophet Isaiah.

So how do the Republicans stay in power in November? The Islamic Barbarianism over a stupid cartoon has every American even more fearful and hateful of the Muslims than after 911. So Karl Rove decides to pretend to sell all of the American Shipping Ports, New York, Miami, etc. to the Muslim countries responsible for funding and planning and harboring the 911 crews. The President says to him, Karl, we cant do that; theyll lynch me on the lawn of the White House. Karl says to George, Dont worry about it George. Have I failed you yet?

While the country now goes wild over the prospect of Osama bin Laden and Aymen Al Zwahiri shipping nuclear weapons to Al Qaeda cells in Manhattan, the Republican congress is now going to come to the rescue like John Wayne leading the cavalry and block the sale. Then, the Republican congress people are going to say to the American people during the upcoming political campaign, Look, we didnt follow George Bush. We saved you from him. We stopped Osama Bin Laden from owning your ports. Initially the bogus plan called for selling all of the American airports to Iran, but while Karl Rove and the Bushwhackers were rolling around laughing on the floor of the Oval Office at the thought of it, Karl said in a drunken stupor, The American people may be gullible, but they arent that gullible.

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